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STEM Education Free of Cost

Edubitz is a non-profit organization striving to offer engaging, hands-on STEM classes in a free and accessible manner.

What we offer

Seeking the endless possibilities in STEM and education.

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STEM Curriculum

Sustainable, free, high-quality education, taught from the perspectives of high school students - students who have experienced and conquered modern education.

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Online Classes

We offer free online classes every week alongside online learning material covering topics such as computer science, electronics, design, and more.

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In-Person Classes

We offer free, hands-on in-person STEM classes to schools located in the Los Angeles Area. If your school is interested, please check our availability and register for a session!


Here are the testimonials of students who participated in our class.

I had a ton of fun with this class and learned a lot about coding and electronics. Both of the teachers were amazing and came to class with goals in mind and always something new to teach. I also had a lot of fun learning how to solder and it's many uses. Overall, it was a great experience with the teachers and subject mater and I would do it again if I could.

Sean C.

I thought the projects in this class were really unique and fun. My favorite project overall was Ethical hacking as I thought it was a creative approach to a topic that I wasn't familiar with.

Helen T.

I really liked this course because it was fun and helped me gain an understanding of crypto and technology.

Matthew G.